Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Heaven and Hell...
"i am an athiest! i dont believe in God and i dont believe in Heaven and Hell"
" who believes in heaven and hell here???"
I raised my hand..as being the only 'Christian' in class
he stared at me and asked...
"all rite..tell me where is heaven and hell???"
"sir... heaven is above the earth and hell is below the earth"
" ok...let me prove to u that u are wrong"
he then drew an earth on the board and said...
"according to the rule of gravity...we are standing vertically on earth so if u say dat heaven is above u and hell is below u...then what abt the person livin on the oppsite side of the earth? for him heaven is on da opposite side of u and hell the other side... so where is heaven and hell"
i looked up at him again and prayed silently and said...
"sir... i said heaven is above the earth and hell is below the earth...they are not above me or below me...so it really dosent matter where on earth i am standing..."
he then looked at me aggitated and sat down on his chair and said being furious...
" ok..i hope u go to ur heaven and i go to my hell!!! "
he then just got up and walked off....
so..... WHERE IS HEAVEN AND HELL??? any clue?
Friday, July 18, 2008
First DAY!!!
well so yeah i did have my first day and it was good actually....we had our first eng class and guess wat??? our teacher walks in smokin and stikin of boose...wat an impression he left on me...'first impression is last impression'......BLAH!!!
well well that class was dat. then we didnt have a class untill 2pm so we had abt 4 hours on our hands to know eachother basically...yeah da class has da most sweetest gurls and they were shocked to find out that i was a Christian...i wonder if dat is so hard to tell...i do 'look' Christian...dont i?? gosh i donno.....hmm then da class at 2 didnt take place coz it was da teacher's b'day and she told us to bring a cake for her....weired i know...but yeah da bottom line...i had a really weired but a really nice experience...its sumthin new happening here and i just hope dat you all continue to pray for me coz u know i just have to study on my own here....
and the teachers are basically neva gonna turn up!
oh i had a psychology class!!! today dat was...and it was FUN!! hehehehe i learnt dat scientists experiment on 1000 rats before they can draw a conclusion which is only 20% correct.....man poor rats...lol.i think dis is one of da longest blogs i've written so far....dont worry there is more...
but later...so bye bye for now.....
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
hello humans.....lol
well let me start by announcing a good news....i got a new moped to drive around da city!!! (which i didnt pay for, got it as a gift to our family by a man of God :D ) its awesome and i feel lyk a free bird...i can go anywhere i want and anytym but then with there high oil prices.....i have to be careful....my first ride on it was amazing.....i didnt crash!!! which is a big thing coz i am a walkin disaster...i gave my lil sis a ride and also went to church on it....its all very exciting actually....
so dats one news and the another is dat my college will start next month so keep on praying for me :D thanx...
then wat else?? i have been missing hebron a lot lately and i do not wish to visit it...weired i know...i think thats all there is to tell....there is a lot of other jibbrish in my life here and there but not needed to be discussed....and yeah i am really hyper rite now and extremely bored...and i think i am beginnig to type junk....
oh well please pray for me and i am prayin for you all too... :D
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I am gonna join uni here in nagpur (home town) and study english and psychology...
i have been hearin not so good news abt this place so i will need special prayers from all of u
so i can make it thru... :)
maybe it wont be that bad after all...neva mind...u can all still pray for me :D
Thats all really for now...i have to get going...i gotta make chai...hhehehe
more later.........
Saturday, March 22, 2008
If God wanted...He could have chosen a rich man's house....
If God wanted....He could have chosen a poor man's house....
Or even a doctor's house.....
but why a carpenter's house???
The answer is.....
When Jesus would cut wood and hammer nails....
He would remember His aim as to why He came on this earth...
" For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many Mark 10:45."
Imagine the agony.......
When He would cut the wood, He would think about how on this piece of wood He would be hanging, and the nails He was hammering...4 of them would be nailed into HIM...
So that we can have a life of Mercy and Grace.
A life of freedom and a Promise....
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God Hebrews 12:2"
He is Coming AGAIN!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008

you're part of an intricate plan.
you're a precious abd perfect unique design,
called God's special woman or man.
You look like you look for a reason.
our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
you're just what He wanted to make.
The parents you have are the ones He chose,
and no matter how you may feel,
they are custom - designed with God's plan in mind,
and they bear the Master's seal.
No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
and God wept that it hurt you so;
but it was allowed to shape your heart
so that into His likeness you'd grow.
You are who you are for a reason,
you've been formed by the Master's rod.
you are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!
by- Russell Kelfer
This above poem is from a book called "The Purpose Driven Life by- Rick Warren"
Now this book holds a miracle for me which took place in matku ghat mela. I have been looking for this book in nagpur and could not find it anywhere but when i went to that mela with only a purpose of roaming around and having fun but God has a different purpose, I got this book as a gift from my dad's classmate. I was overwhelmed when he came to me and said "i got this book for u, it is really good. i hope u lyk it" and i cud not contain the joy inside me. hahhahahahahhaha..............
Sunday, February 10, 2008
well niru there is no answer to such question...i am not sure myself if i've given up.
ahh it is soo cold here it is not funny. Nagpur, (the city where i live) being in the middle of India is cold in this month. hello!!! it is supposed to be hot.....what is happening to the world?
oh i'm missing the sand in Jaisalmer...................
ok our family is planning on going to a mela (a fare). this fare is very different though. almost a decade ago when my grandpa was the chairman of this so called matku ghat mela in Madya Pradesh, it was well known for its Spirituality and was labled as a spiritual mela.....hmmm but now as generation has changed.....the mela still exists and so does the spirituality BUT people seem to be using God as a curtain to attend the mela to find a perfect match for them....lol i personally would prefer calling it a match making mela...lol. i am told stories about the mela as how amazing the time was in "those" days when Sadhu Sundar Singh came and visited and it poured with rain but no one got wet....it was outdoors..... i was imagening the sight when the great man of God spoke with such power of the Holy Spirit that the covering of the Holy Angels didnt let anyone get wet in that huge storm which brought down a tree flat on the ground.....smash!!!! yes! i am soo highly excited to go visit this mela but surely not to go and find a match for myself.....hehehahhahaha.....
will let u know how it was when i come back :)